自粛期に感じたことは真実でもあり、また、全てに疑門を持った。 でも、皆さんが"目の前の頑張ったこと"は全て本物でした😊 コ○ナ後の世界で大きな財産になってく! 「Vaiwattはそう信じてます♬」 What I felt during the lockdown period was true, and I had doubts about everything. However, all the things that "everyone & us did their best" were real😊 It will become a big asset in the post-Corona world! “Vaiwatt believes so♬”
Interview w/ Vaiwatt ONDA TV Sulmona Vaiwatt's Interview broadcast by "ONDA TV Sulmona" in Abruzzo. We're talking about Abruzzo and new video "Desert Whale". It was a very meaningful and wonderful interview!
-Official announcement- The scheduled "US Tour" was canceled.This is because COVID has changed the situation in America.But we are positively preparing for the next chance😊 We are currently working on "2nd album"! Surely we hope to meet you next year. Wish for world peace🌈 -公式発表- 予定されていた「USツアー」が中止になりました。コ○ナがアメリカの状況を大きく変えてしまった為です。 でも、私たちは今、次のチャンスに向けて積極的に準備しています😊 現在「セカンドアルバム」制作中!来年お会いできることを楽しみにしています! 世界の平和を願って🌈