
(News) 10/12(土) カナダのバンド"BIG BROTHER"とライブイベント開催♬

Intervew with "BIG BROTHER"
今週土曜日、GAMUSO AsagayaでLIVEです☆
カナダからの来日バンド"BIG BROTHER"に独占インタヴュー!


Gamuso & Hikaru & Vaiwatt presents
"BIG BROTHER" Japan Tour

10/12 sat at GAMUSO
19:00 open・19:30 start
1000yen Charge, for Musicians 

 |Midnight Snakes


"Scrap City"
面白いケミストリーが産まれそうだ よ(^^)

BIG BROTHER - Scrap city


Why did you come to Japan for GIG?
Chris: Well, about a year ago our friend ari at a punk house party said we would have a blast if we came to japan and that he had met some really cool punk rockers in Tokyo (viawatt) and he didn't under sell it. 
Also doesn't hurt personally that I have been a fan of Japanese punk since I was 15. From
bands like Slang, Fuck you Heroes, The Dallax and more.....and all the videos of the Japanese scene look out of world.

How about Tokyo? Do you enjoy it?
Justin: Fucking Weird but absolutely beautiful. Everyone is SUPER Polite and the city just works. Everything works here and for the amount of people, it`s very well managed to the point where it feels like a dream. Japanese Culture is surreal and it makes North American culture look stupid.

About this new song "Scrap City"!
Ian: Scrap City is off of our previous full length "Ministry Of Plenty". The song is a true story about recycling metal in Toronto to make money during difficult times. Our first official music video is "Scrap City". 

Is your country Canada great? Many Japanese think Canada is a wonderful country.
Russell: Canada is a very relaxing place and it will always be home to us.  The people are known for being kind and polite, and if you like nature, we have a LOT of wilderness to explore.  Yes, it is normally very cold in the winter but that doesn`t stop Canadians from telling lots of silly Canadian jokes and talking about the weather. If you can come visit, you must go cottage camping to a beautiful northern lake in the summer time! There is also lots of different cultures all over Toronto and we have an incredible selection of global food to eat!

How is the Canadian music scene right now?
Chris: Up and down. Sometimes it's really good and sometimes it's really bad. The music scene when it is a good though the show is really good and fun times.
Also we have a very healthy amount of punk bands back in Canada. The Filthy Radicals, Brutal Youth, stink box just to name a few home town friends.

How about a strange stay at Vaiwatt House?
Justin: Yep! Fucking weird but absolutely lovely. They have a picture of a black bear on top of the light switches and it says *HI!* Ian tried to pee in Ken and Chi`s bedroom and then Russell slapped his ass and he got out of his sleep walking face. Shinzo, if you`re reading this, I love you.

Finally, say words to Japanese rock fans!
Russell: With great honour, we are eternally grateful for the opportunity to share our musical gifts with our japanese music fans. Your culture is so incredible to us, and we are amazed everywhere we go in japan. Your country is truly one of the most amazing places we have ever been and we will play very hard and fast for you as a tribute to your dedicated work and contributions to the culture of the whole world! We absolutely LOVE Japan! Our hearts go out to all of you, bless you from the bottom of our hearts and thank you for listening to our music. We look forward to playing for you again one day in the future!

Special Appearances by: Russell West Mike Ladabrockhouse Mike Bideste Doug Gnahrgang Original Story Concept by: Christopher Spadafora & Ian Wilkinson

FOLLOW US ON & MORE INFOS: https://bigbrotherto.bandcamp.com

そして、12日はGamuso Asagaya オーナー"MARK"さんの誕生日!!!




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☆★☆     ☆★☆
11.23 sat (勤労感謝の日)
Vaiwatt 6th Anniversary Party 2019 -

初Live Album IT'S ALIVE 
Kafadan Kontak Records」より発売中
↓ 商品ページ ↓
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海外遠征 ~5都市7公演の軌跡~
  1. Be Comics! Padova
  2. Pescara-GIG@SCUMM
  3. L'Aquil-GIG@Irish Cafe
  4. Russia-St.Petersburg~Moscow
観光 Tourism
動画 YouTube
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:Dounload BEST

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