
Online shop) You can buy Goods from overseas / PayPal ok!

📪 通販 Online Shopping
💥 New in Store! Vinyl Records
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You can now buy goods from overseas with "PayPal". Please,try it!
Those who do not have an account can also pay.
> > >

GOODs LIST > > >

Tokyo 202X  new!
Price: 29USD  24EUR  2000RUB 
値段: ¥3000
Size: S / M / L / XL / XXL

②Vaiwatt TEE
Price: 27USD  22EUR  1800RUB
値段: ¥2800
Size: S / M / L / XL / XXL

Vinyl Record EP  sold out!
Price: 90USD  80EUR  7000RUB
値段: ¥10000
Extra Rare, The last one!! 
Recorded the early rare song "ReSeT", and "Yelloow Goblins" on Anarog sounds is so nice!

④BEST CD (2017)
Price: 14USD  12EUR  1000RUB
値段: ¥1,650
9 TRACKS:  BABEL BABEL / チェコりんご / Yellow Goblins / I♡街とピープル / WALK / 風芽FUUGA / Happy Birthday / BombぼんPOGOレ! / 砂漠のクジラ

⑤Czech Ringos CD (2013)
Price: 14USD  12EUR  1000RUB
値段: ¥1,650
8 TRACKS: チェコりんご / WALK / YAYOI / I♥街とピープル / トンキン☆飼民革命 / クxソxガxキ   / イエローゴブリンズ / ReSeT

🌐For overseas
・Please email the goods you want
・PayPal is okey you to pay by credit card

Online shopping
Item Number ①,②,③,④,⑤・Size・Number of orders・Shipping address・Phone number
We will email you the payment amount and more.
Thank you very much!

PayPal fee of 6.6% (🇯🇵3.6%) + 290JPY is charged
Shipping fee of 2000JPY (🇯🇵500JPY)
PayPal is okey you to pay by credit card.



件名: 通販
本文: 商品番号①,②,③,④,⑤・サイズ・枚数・お届け先・電話番号
お支払い金額と「PayPal請求 (もしくは銀行振込先)」、ご案内を返信いたします。

PayPal決済 3.6% + ¥250
送料全国 ¥510

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
三菱東京UFJ銀行 阿佐ヶ谷支店
(普)0191627   ウエンズデーレコーズ
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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