
アメリカのコミック作家🇺🇸Ryan Winn

「Gods and Gears」コミック作家, ライアン・ウィン
Ryan Winn, writer of "Gods and Gears" and comic book inker. Courtesy of Ryan Winn
Today blog is Introduce American comic creator.



記事は“Interstellar Intersection”より

Comic book inker Ryan Winn widens role with creator-owned series

 アーティストは、2019年にアルテルナコミックスの全年齢向けシリーズ「Godsand Gears」の執筆とカラーリングを開始しました。最近、第4号が発行されました。
 The artist started writing and coloring “Gods and Gears,” an all-ages series from Alterna Comics, in 2019. The fourth issue recently came out.

「Gods and Gears」コミック作家, ライアン・ウィン
Ryan Winn, writer of "Gods and Gears" and comic book inker. Courtesy of Ryan Winn

Forty-three-year-old comic book creator Ryan Winn has inked some of the most popular characters and series in comics over the last two decades, and for a time — from the late 2000s to the early 2010s — it seemed like his name was popping up everywhere.

Most of Winn’s time and creative energy these days goes into “Gods and Gears,” a creator-owned series he writes and colors. Launched in 2019, Dean Kotz pencils the book, which is published by Alterna Comics, and Wes Locher provides letters. The comic was originally solicited as a limited series but it was recently announced to now be ongoing. The fourth issue came out earlier this month, completing the first story arc.

“Gods and Gears” is soon taking a slight detour, as Winn prepares an Indiegogo campaign centered around a character who is being introduced to the all-ages series: Hammerella. Winn will pencil the one-shot, giving Kotz the opportunity to work ahead on the next arc, tentatively titled “The Heart of Racing.” The new arc will shift the story line back to the series’ main characters to date: Jimmy and Eli.

Winnは、元々「Driver and Shotgun」というタイトルの本を作成することについて、5年前にKotzにアプローチしました。彼らがコミックをアルテルナに売り込むまでに、シリーズのコンセプトはレースを超えて成長し、拡大しました。そのため、タイムトラベルや人間の家族などの幻想的な要素が変化したため、タイトルは「神と歯車」に作り直されました。ゴリラに。この本には、神のような存在のグループも含まれており、追加のストーリーアークを設定するための謎と陰謀がた​​くさんあります。
Winn approached Kotz a half decade ago about doing the book, which was originally titled “Driver and Shotgun.” By the time they pitched the comic to Alterna, the series concept had grown and expanded beyond racing, so the title was reworked to “Gods and Gears,” as there’s now fantastical elements, including time travel and a family of humans that have been transformed into gorillas. The book also includes a group of godlike beings, and there’s plenty of mystery and intrigue to set up additional story arcs.


“We wanted to do a comic that sort of embodied what we loved about comics in the ’80s — specifically Marvel Comics,” Winn told me. The comic is even packaged with that ’80s vibe intact, as it’s published onto newsprint with a price tag of $1.50 per issue, like other Alterna series.


For readers who can get their hands on a copy of “Death Betty” No. 0, a 2014 release from Castle & Key Publication, an early glimpse of the series can be viewed in the back by Winn with artist Jason Gonzalez.



Ryan Winn / YouTube (New)

Digital Inking And Coloring Hammerella in Procreate. No commentary.


 Such a great Inker made Vaiwatt's song BGM again in his video. This is an honor for us as well. Big thanks!


 Everyone, enjoy the process of he completing the painting in the video. This is a must-see especially for you who want to become an animator!


What If Gods And Gears Was Anime? Music By Vaiwatt From Japan.

Ryan Winn -YouTube channel

Ryan and Ken can talk in music and art, not in words.
I always trust him and his work.

ー ぴえろKEN






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WALK - Official Music Video
NEO TOKIO - Shinjuku Tokyo Tourism

🔻True Ability of Vaiwatt
BABEL BABEL - Trick Performance
Ken silly shout in seven langueses of the world. "It's Boring!"
WALK - LIVE 2018
This Live like dreaming in 90's.
SF, Sometimes it's become the theme of Vaiwatt's music.

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