
🔝『10周年🎂ライブ開催』入場無料! 8月31日(木曜) 渋谷 RUBY ROOM

10 Anniversary Free Show
2013年8月4日 荻窪club Doctorで誕生してから早10年!
Vaiwatt was officially born over 10 years ago on August 4, 2013 at Ogikubo Club Doctor.

08/31 (THU) @RUBY ROOM Shibuya
19:00-LATE  Entrance Free!
Anniversary▷ Vaiwatt (Tokyo)
SP Guest▷ Nick Vulture (Australia)
DJs▷ADDIEL (Mexico) + Resident DJs
Organized&DJ Berlin Party Tokyo

Berlin Party Vaiwatt 10th ANNI.
08 / 31 THU, 2023
Free Entrance! 19:00PMLATE

Vaiwatt / 10th Anni-Live Show
21:30 PM〜 ON STAGE
ニ人の奇妙なROCK 10Y STORY
Yellow Goblins / WALK / 桜夢OMU
Quantum Odyssey 2020 / Czech Ringo
NEO TOKIO / 逆林檎 Reverse Apple
砂漠のクジラ Desert Whale / Babel Babel
VACANT? / Twenty eight / 風芽FUUGA
SEX PISTOLS with Guest Guitarist
BOMB POGO!  with Guest Guitarist

Nick Vulture Special Guest
20:30 PM〜 ON STAGE
大人の時間、国際的に活躍するニックの普遍的で誠実なAcoustic Songs
With this solo acoustic venture, Nick Vulture has moved into territory that couldn’t be any further removed from his roots in the garage punk scene of Adelaide, South Australia.
This is gritty acoustic, honest songwriting done raw and stripped back to its very core. The songs are deeply personal but also universal in that they reflect the general fragility of the human condition with all of its uncertainty, its cruelty and its beauty. Nick's first full length album, 'Dust Off The Trail' made both national and local charts in Australia and was critically acclaimed by numerous Australian and international reviews.

Berlin Party / DJs, Orgnized
木曜は満員で多国籍!Tokyo On Thursdays Can Be Awesome!
Every Thursday we are at Ruby Room with DJs and often live performers/bands. The live performances represent a variety of genres but always with a focus on the alternative.
Hear the stuff you have always wanted to hear in Tokyo from many different bands and DJs sharing their own styles!
Our Mission: to make fun events with quality music and NO entrance charge!!!
Tatsu / Guest Guitarist
SEX PISTOLSのCOVERと、Vaiwattの「Bomb POGO!」2曲でギターを弾き暴れます!


BIO (SHORT) 🇯🇵🇺🇸🇷🇺🇮🇹🇹🇷🇬🇧
2013.8.4 Released Indipendent 1st Album "Czech Ringos".
2014-2015 "New Years World Rock festivel" (Fuji TV8ch), Appearance in 2 years in a row!
2014.8.23-2017.8.26 Great East Japan Earthquake fund-raising (donation) event, Vaiwatt organized "napaJ興行"
2017.10.18 First nationwide release album "BEST"
2018.6.8  Live in Anaheim "Doll Hut"
2018.7.20-22 Live in Russia "White Nights of St.Petersburg 2018"
2019.3.23-4.9 Italy-Russia Tour 2019 (Padova-Pescara-L'Aquila-SPB-Moscow)
2019.8 Live Album "It's Alive", released from "Kafadan Kontak Records (Istanbul)"
2021.9.22 3rd Album "Seven Apples"
2021.10.31 Live in Istanbul "Monster Mash Halloween Party"
2021.11.21 Tokyo International Music Fes "EDO WAVE 2021"
2022.9.30-10.14 Italy Tour (Pescara-L'aquila-Gioia del Colle-Massafra-Napoli-Bologna-Como)
2022.11.6 Tokyo International Music Fes "EDO WAVE 2022"
2023.7.6-7-8 UK Tour with Dead Happy (Birmingham-Whitchurch-London)

UKTour成功おめでとう!! 早速帰国ライブを🔥

"Unus Mundus"の熱いコールで,"Berlin Party"が作るVAIWATT10周年🎂

後援は "株式会社仲村屋"

夏の最後にでっかいHANABI 打ち上げよう🎆
皆さん ぜひご参加下さい🏮

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