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"ONDA TV SULMONA" 🇮🇹イタリアのTV番組にインタビュー出演

 🇮🇹イタリア番組[ONDA TV]でのVaiwattのインタビューと記事 、公開!!!
|記事 Article
L’Abruzzo al centro del nuovo video della band giapponese Vaiwatt: “Sabaku no kujira”, la balena del deserto
Sabaku no kujira, L’Abruzzo al centro del nuovo video della band giapponese Vaiwatt

Interview w/ Vaiwatt
ONDA TV Sulmona
Vaiwatt's Interview broadcast by "ONDA TV Sulmona" in Abruzzo.
We're talking about Abruzzo and new video "Desert Whale".
It was a very meaningful and wonderful interview!